5 Signs That You Need a Bankruptcy Lawyer
Law Office of Daryl L. Jones, P.A.
April 14, 2022

Suffering from overwhelming amounts of debt is an issue that many people face in their lives. It has been reported that an estimated 1.5 million individuals file bankruptcy each year in the United States. For some borrowers, when the debt becomes too much to handle, bankruptcy is an option that will allow them to have a fresh start in terms of their financial situation. While it is not a requirement that you work with a bankruptcy attorney, it is highly recommended.
The Law Offices of Daryl L. Jones, P.A is a Florida law firm with extensive experience helping clients who decide to file bankruptcy. If you are considering bankruptcy, there are several signs that you need a bankruptcy lawyer to help you with the process.
How to Know if You Need a Bankruptcy Lawyer
Whether or not you decide to work with a bankruptcy lawyer is your choice. However, there are several signs that can show you that hiring a bankruptcy lawyer may be in your best interest.
You Have a High Credit Card Balance
Credit cards have their pros and cons. While they are great for financing your lifestyle in the short-term, if you are unable to pay back the amount you owe on your credit card, you may find yourself in a difficult situation. If paying back the entire amount you owe on your credit card has become unrealistic, bankruptcy is an option you may consider to get out from under that debt. To get help filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy to have your credit card debt eliminated, contact a bankruptcy lawyer in Florida.
High Amount of Unsecured Debt
Some common sources of unsecured debt include:
- Medical treatment
- Divorce
- Business-related debts
- Credit cards
A bankruptcy lawyer may be able to help you evaluate your bankruptcy options concerning your unsecured debt.
Borrowing From a Retirement Plan
If you are borrowing from your retirement plan to repay debts, it is time to contact a bankruptcy lawyer. You should never borrow from your retirement plan to pay off debt as most people have not saved enough money to retire comfortably. A bankruptcy lawyer may be able to work out a deal with the creditors to have a large portion of your debts forgiven so you can spend your time putting money away for retirement rather than spending it.
If you are at risk of losing your home to foreclosure, a Florida bankruptcy lawyer may be able to help. Filing bankruptcy When you file bankruptcy, all foreclosure activities must stop.
You Are Dealing With Creditor Harassment
Examples of creditor harassment include:
- Calling you all day
- Sending threatening messages
- Harassing you about certain debts
To get help in stopping this harassment, call a bankruptcy attorney to begin your petition for bankruptcy. Filing bankruptcy forces all creditors to stop all forms of harassment that causes your suffering.
Contact a Florida Bankruptcy Lawyer for Help
If you are considering bankruptcy, you may feel overwhelmed as you try to navigate the six-step process to file. While you may feel alone as you seek relief from your debt, that is not the case. To get help filing bankruptcy, contact a Florida bankruptcy lawyer.
The bankruptcy attorneys at The Law Offices of Daryl L. Jones, P.A are dedicated to helping clients through the stressful bankruptcy process in Florida. When you work with our award-winning team of lawyers, you will receive the trusted representation you deserve. To schedule a free initial strategy session, contact us here or call (305) 969-3602.
- Category: Bankruptcy